The Awakening of Miss Goody Two-Shoes

Sunshine through the trees (Brownsea Island 2013)

Sunshine through the trees (Brownsea Island 2013)

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been left feeling… dissatisfied with my blog posts, as if something was missing.

I know it’s nothing to do with blogging itself as I still enjoy that, and I finally worked it out.

I still enjoy writing book and film/tv reviews, and researching and sharing whatever catches my interest, but I realised that I want to… have to write about what’s happening in our world.

This could lead to diminishing visitor numbers with me basically ‘talking’ to myself and, without a doubt, that will make me sad. But I can no longer ignore this feeling that I need to draw a line in the sand and speak up regardless of who reads or doesn’t read any of this.

I feel I have to state my stance to the Universe, to the Divine Source.

Although I’ve been continuing with my usual content as that’s what my blog is about, I’ve already written a few posts about how things have been, especially in the UK.

And the more I’ve researched and read about Covid and the jabs, the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, the increasing levels of censorship etc, etc, the more I’ve come to realise there’s so much more going on than we’re aware of.

There is a ‘Truth’ out there that’s being hidden from us.

I’ve always been a stickler for following the rules, doing as I’m told – a proper ‘goody two-shoes’. So, this ‘waking up’, opening my eyes and really seeing instead of just looking, and stepping out of my comfort zone has been awfully uncomfortable.

Sometimes, I think it would be so much easier if I went back to how I was, but I’ve become aware of too much now to even want to go back to that sleeping state.

When did this start?

I don’t know for sure, but it was definitely in early 2019 when Covid-19 was fast becoming the only newsworthy topic.

I’ve already written about my thoughts on, mainly, the lockdown and the government limiting our freedoms. If anyone’s interested, the blog posts are full of links to articles that question and challenge the ‘official narrative’.

Instead of banging on about it and busting a gut trying to convince people that we’re being fed a bunch of lies over this whole Covid issue, all I’ll say is, I’m not convinced the official narrative makes logical sense, and I’m not persuaded of the reliability of the people who are telling me to believe it.

To my relief, both my boys are on the same page as me, having arrived there via their own questioning minds. And I’ve found other like-minded people I can freely discuss these things with.

Having said that, this hasn’t been easy, being on the other side of the fence from most, if not all, my birth family, and a couple of close friends too.

If I attempt to voice an alternative view, it’s nigh on impossible to have any sort of discussion about Covid or the jabs.

Fallen tree trunk (Brownsea Island 2013)

Fallen tree trunk (Brownsea Island 2013)

Not wearing a mask has cost me at least one friendship even though I’d explained that wearing a mask heightens my anxiety to the point that I struggle to breathe. There was no reply to my email, just radio silence; no attempt to discuss, no agreeing to disagree, nothing. It’s seems to be an ‘either-or’ scenario – ‘you’re either for the whole narrative or you’re a thoughtless, selfish enemy’.

No one is ‘allowed’ to exercise freedom of choice.

No one is ‘allowed’ to choose if they wish to be jabbed or not.

I am pretty sure this is the first time ever that people are being cajoled, bribed, coerced, manipulated, threatened, hounded to take an experimental therapy for something that’s apparently so dangerous, we’re in danger of being wiped out.

Yet what’s the point of taking the jab when it doesn’t prevent you getting Covid-19? It doesn’t prevent transmission; you can still get it and you can still pass it on.

The majority of Covid cases now are those who’ve been jabbed. It’s clear that “you get a broader immune response from being infected with the virus than from the vaccines…

Where’s the evidence that this version of coronavirus is so frighteningly deadly?

Why is there a 20-year trail of patent applications concerning the virus responsible for Covid-19?

If you do nothing else and if you haven’t already, I suggest you watch the evidence presented by Dr David Martin to the international Corona Investigative Committee.

The video is a little over an hour long; if you’d rather read a summary of the key points, these are in 2 articles written by Neville Hodgkinson, former medical and science correspondent at The Sunday Time.

One thing I find especially frightening is the ease with which so many people have readily given up their freedoms, their liberty… handing it over to the government then being happy and relieved when the authorities ‘allow’ them to have bits of it back in dribs and drabs… but only if you’re good little boys and girls and do as you’re told. I find it mind-blowingly unbelievable!

As a very astute 18-year-old said in an interview, “If you allow the government to break the law and violate your rights because of an emergency, what’s stopping them from creating an emergency to break the law?

Reflection of trees on lilypond (Brownsea Island 2013)

Reflection of trees on lilypond (Brownsea Island 2013)

Digging around the Covid issue and the key players involved, I came across further breadcrumbs leading to more rabbit holes.

Curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t help venturing down them, some deeper than others.

By the autumn of 2020, I was well and truly red-pilled.

Back in 2016, I was not a Trump fan. I was one of those who thought he was a joke and believed what the MSM said about him.

Fast forward to 2019.

Thanks to the Democrats, I started to see Trump in a new light.

And when truths like this come out – ‘A Big Tech whistleblower said Google altered its algorithm in order to ensure that negative stories from the establishment media about former President Donald Trump were what people saw when using the highest-trafficked website on the internet’ – I knew there were more rabbit holes that I had to venture down.

By the way, if you doubt that article, as someone suggested, Google the word ‘idiot’ and you’ll be presented with images of Trump. But type ‘idiot’ into an alternative search engine, like DuckDuckGo, and the result will have zero images of Trump.

Which begs the question – why the witch hunt? What are ‘the powers that be’, which own MSM, so afraid of?

I won’t mention the things I’ve come across as it’s so mind-blowingly horrific, and I think that should be something you look up yourself if you’re of a mind to.

What I will say is, evil is real and its all around us.

It’s thrived because we’ve allowed it to by letting ourselves be lulled into a false sense of security and choosing to stay asleep because that’s the easy option.

The evil has kept us divided using race, gender, colour, religion and now Covid-19. These are all distractions to keep our attention away from what’s really happening… what’s been happening for years right under our noses.

And it involves children.

For the sake of saving those children, I’m glad I’ve woken up and I hope, over the coming days and weeks, even more will awaken.

Trees (Brownsea Island 2013)

Trees (Brownsea Island 2013)