Who Elected the W.H.O.?

W.H.O. logo overlaid with ‘cancel’ sign

Another occasional post about current happenings in the world, which I feel compelled to speak about.

So, who elected the W.H.O.?

I know for a fact I didn’t, and I don’t know anyone who has.

Which mean it doesn’t answer to us, the people of the world.

The W.H.O. is funded not only by its 194 member states but also by private organisations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the GAVI Alliance.

This unelected organisation is on the verge of declaring itself the world’s ‘health overlord’, giving itself decision-making powers over governments around the world, deciding what will be done when – not if but when – the next pandemic comes along.

We will be expected to comply regardless of whether we agree or not.

Not content with trampling all over our God-given freedoms and rights these past 2 years, our governments are about to merrily sign away our sovereignty without first discussing the matter with us, the people who elected them to serve our interests!

Here in the UK, there’s been nothing in the lamestream media, not even any discussion in Parliament.

I’ve mentioned Neil Oliver before; he’s been on-the-ball with so much of the ridiculousness we’ve been put through over the past 2 years.

He has a regular weekly spot on GB News and I find his monologues uplifting despite the cheerless nature of most of his topics.

The reason I say ‘uplifting’ is because, for me, its refreshingly wonderful to listen to someone in the public eye who is very much on the same page as me and has been since the start of the scamdemic.

Here’s his latest monologue, in which he speaks clearly about the unmistakable power grab by the W.H.O.

The video is just over 8 minutes and well worth listening to as it affects the whole world, but here is some of the content:
… we … must contemplate a future in which decisions about what we will be ordered – ordered – to do in the face of another pandemic will be taken by the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats of the Chinese Communist Party-worshipping W.H.O., under the unseemly influence of a tech billionaire [Gates] with no more qualifications in the fields of medicine and disease control than I have.

Amendments written into the proposed treaty by the re-enamoured Biden administration will see 194 nations cede sovereignty over nation health care decisions to the W.H.O… [which will] thereby have decision-making power over and above our own government – and every other government.

I find this part to be particularly abhorrent:
… under the terms of the treaty, the W.H.O. does not – does not – have to show any data to legitimise its conclusions or decisions… It is also worth knowing, to say the least, that it would be up to the W.H.O. to define what the next pandemic is.”

… this so-called pandemic treaty is the single, greatest global power grab that any of us has seen in our lifetime. It is nothing less than the groundwork, the laying of deep foundations for global governance through the W.H.O.


I agree with Mr. Oliver’s closing remarks in which he refers to himself as an “unlikely rebel”; so am I.

I’ve always been a goody two-shoes.

Yet, not once during the last 2 years, have I ever complied with any of the illogical, foolish ‘rules’ that were foisted on us.

And I will never comply with anything the W.H.O. says.

The whole ‘stay safe’ narrative has completely overlooked that which is truly of paramount importance – to stay human.

Remember what it is that makes us human – our liberty, compassion, creativity, empathy, and most of all, our amazing capacity for love.

I know I will not give up my humanness for anything, least of all a deceptive sense of safety, every aspect of which will be decided by a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats.