Book: 'The Spellbound Spindle' Re-release

Spellbound Spindle book cover, rose covered frame, spindle, smoke, rose petals

I’ve decided to re-release my third novel, ‘The Spellbound Spindle’, with a new cover.

Back in 2018 when I first published it, I was quite happy with the cover, but, lately, the more I thought about it, the more the design annoyed me; it has nothing to do with the title.

'Spellbound Spindle' book cover, black roses, briar thorns

‘The Spellbound Spindle’ original cover

Why that never occurred to me before, who knows!

To be honest, I’m not 100% satisfied with this design mainly because of the spindle; it is near impossible to find a good spindle design that doesn’t involve someone holding it or spinning with it.

Having said that, I do like the rose frame and the petals.

Apart from re-designing the cover, I also went through the text to mainly tidy up the over-abundance of ellipses!

Honestly, I should start a support group – Ellipses Anonymous.

I’ve noticed most YA fantasy/fairy tale stories don’t feature many responsible adults or parents; usually the parents are either absent, for whatever reason, or dead.

Being YA, I understand the focus is on the young adult protagonists and their cohorts.

And, these days, generally speaking, the focus is very much on the romance between the main characters, sometimes at the expense of the plot.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with any of that.

The reason I bring it up is, if you’re looking for a story that features loving families, supportive parents, genuine friendships, a little romance, and, what I hope is a compelling story, why not try ‘The Spellbound Spindle’?

You can read the first two chapters HERE.

It’s available in digital and paperback options:
Amazon UK: eBook; paperback
Amazon US: eBook; paperback
eBook: Nook, Kobo, iTunes

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