Is the 'Liberal' Government of Canada Against Freedoms for Canadians?
Canadian truckers for Freedom (image by ottawagraphics on Pixabay)
The protestors have made it very clear why they’re in their country’s capital, Ottawa.
(The video I was going to share about protestors clearly explaining why they’re doing what they’re doing – to protect their freedoms and, especially, those of their children – has been taken down by YouTube… I’ll leave you to figure out why.)
Instead of engaging with them in constructive dialogue, the supposed Liberal ‘leader’, a Liberal government, invokes Canada’s Emergencies Act to deal with them.
Legacy media smears the peaceful protestors, labelling them the exact opposite of what they are, what they stand for.
Fully armed tactical units face off against unarmed protestors.
The government’s brutal response cannot make it any plainer – the past two years has been nothing to do with health and keeping people safe.
It is all to do with exerting control and keeping people – us – in line, little more than obedient automatons.
Individual police and army personnel are speaking up for the people.
(Don’t know how long these videos will stay up.)
They know what this is really about.
It’s about the inalienable freedoms of the people.
After last week and the weekend, the question needs to be asked.
Is this the image of Canada that will be remembered by future generations?
Peaceful civilians, including disabled woman, trampled by horses of mounted police
There is video footage of this despicable incident, but I’m not sharing that.
I’m no equine expert, but this much I remember from my riding lessons – it’s clear from the way that thug used his reins and seat, he deliberately guided his horse into the crowd, sickeningly using his horse as a weapon against peaceful civilians.
This clip from Sky News Australia summarises the unbelievable situation in Canada.
I’ve never been to Canada, but I believe this is the true face of Canada - protestors and police hugging before singing their national anthem.
(Again, the video I was going to share, showing protestors in Alberta and police hugging, and singing the Canadian national anthem before they peacefully dispersed, has also been removed by YouTube… )
The truckers in Ottawa may have pulled back – to regroup – but, in support of them, other protests have grown in other Canadian cities.
Countless numbers across the world stand with the Canadian truckers, true defenders of freedom.
And I am proud to count myself as one who is standing with them.
Canadian Freedom truckers (image by ottawagraphics on Pixabay)