Are You Awake Yet?
(Hands made of words by johnhain - Pixabay)
The speed with which official policy around Covid restrictions and mandates has apparently begun changing is quite something to see.
There are those who say this clearly signals the beginning of the end, while others say this is part of the plan, to lull us into letting our guard down before the worst is unleashed on us.
I’m not saying the latter are wrong – I have no doubt the true players behind the past 2 years or so have yet more evil in store for us – but the big difference now is, there is a huge percentage of humanity who have wised up to the modus operandi of ‘the powers that be’.
Despite our ‘dear leader’ here in the UK announcing the scrapping of ‘Plan B’ this past week, there are many who remain wary.
We – the boys and I – are quietly optimistic but are keeping our eye on the ‘small print’ as it were.
As it stands, come Thursday, the 27th of January, there will no longer be the requirement to work from home, wear a face mask or to provide a vaccination passport. Children are already no longer required to wear face masks in schools.
While it will no longer be a legal requirement, the government will still encourage people to wear face masks in crowded places.
To quote the PM, “We will trust the judgement of the British people and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one.”
Gosh. How generous…
Interesting, isn’t it, the magic he and his clowns in government can conjure when faced with pressure from his own side to resign.
Somehow, I don’t think that’s got anything to do with their mantra of ‘follow the science’.
That pressure to resign comes on the heels of reports of parties attended by members of government, including the PM, while the rest of us were in lockdown… the rules were very clear about no parties or gatherings of any sort.
Yet the information about those parties were leaked by some of the people who were at those parties.
If they knew of the parties back then – as far back as May 2020 – why wait until now before leaking it?
This does seem like a purely political move.
While I understand the wariness, there are other things that have happened which certainly wouldn’t have been ‘allowed’ not that long ago.
For example, Sky News UK transmitting the footage of a doctor at King’s College Hospital questioning the health minister, Sajid Javid, on compulsory vaccination for health workers.
Since then, that brave doctor – Dr Steve James – has been on other MSM news channels, speaking his mind.
Dr James is a consultant anaesthetist with a specialist interest in cardiothoracic and high-risk anaesthesia and is the lead for cardiopulmonary exercise testing at the hospital.
I call him brave because health workers have been threatened with losing their jobs if they speak against or even simply question the government narrative.
Here he is on GBNews eloquently explaining his stance.
Dr James makes a good point when he points out that, on the one hand the government bleats on about the dire state of the NHS (National Health Service) due to the staffing crisis while, at the same time, threatening to sack upwards of 70,000 health care workers who choose – choose – not to get the jab.
How does that make an ounce of sense?
On Saturday, the 22nd of January, there was another huge turnout at the Worldwide Rally for Freedom protest in London.
There were similar protests in other big UK cities and many cities around the world including South Africa, Brazil, Australia, America, Canada, Europe and Japan.
At the protest in London, many NHS workers left their uniforms on the steps of Trafalgar Square.
On Sunday, there were some interesting newspaper headlines, for example, The Telegraph stated, ‘Covid vaccine deadline for NHS staff set to be pushed back. Two weeks before the NHS is due to begin sacking unvaccinated staff, it is believed the requirement is likely to be ‘kicked down the road’.’
Well, well… as they say.
And here’s another interesting headline, again, from The Telegraph:
‘High Covid death rates skewed by people who died from other causes, admits Sajid Javid. Health Secretary reveals daily government figures might be unreliable as ONS [Office of National Statistics] data show fewer deaths registered to Covid.’
At this point, I could ask the question, what is going on?
I’ve kept well away from MSM, done my own research and been down enough rabbit holes that I do know what’s going on.
Instead of diving into that, I will share this video of Reiner Fuellmich’s interview with Ernst Wolff, an economist, journalist and author.
Wondering about the seemingly identical response of governments the world over to the so-called pandemic and who many of the world leaders are, Wolff did extensive research into the history and workings of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Would it surprise you to learn that many of today’s world leaders – Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau and even Jacinda Ardern to name a few – were all part of a school, established and managed by Klaus Schwab, who founded the WEF?
The Global Leaders of Tomorrow school was established in 1992 and members of that first class included Angela Merkel, Tony Blair and Nicolas Sarkozy.
The school was renamed the Young Global Leaders school in 2004.
It’s not only political leaders who attend the school; many prominent businessmen do too. They’re the ones who fully supported the harsh response to the pandemic while reaping the considerable profits that resulted while too many people were thrown into poverty and too many businesses, especially smaller, independent ones, were destroyed.
We, the people, are the ones with the power to stop this entire narrative.
We have right and might on our side, a fine example being the brave truckers in Canada.
And the way to exercise our power is to take it back by practicing simple non-compliance. No violence required, just say ‘no’.
I know its easier said than done, especially if you have been ‘following the rules’. But take it from a real scaredy-cat – it gets easier each time you do it.
At the beginning, I was a tightly wound ball of anxiety, dreading every grocery shopping trip.
Now, I don’t even give it a second thought.
The only time I was challenged, I just said, “No, I don’t wear a mask,” and that was that.
I like to think ‘the powers that be’ are slowly realising the gig is up as more and more people are waking up to the truth… It really is only a matter of time before the already teetering house of cards comes tumbling down.
I’ll end with this brilliant video, which sort of sums it all up: