'Pandemic'... What 'Pandemic'?

‘truth’ word in newspaper - image by PDPics (Pixabay)

‘truth’ word in newspaper - image by PDPics (Pixabay)

I watched a couple of videos this past week, featuring truly courageous people speaking up and speaking out against the official narrative.

What a sign of the times we’re in – unprecedented times – that the simple act of speaking the truth is now seen as an act of courage.

Both videos are important and powerful. Even though I have no ‘reach’ or ‘influence’, I’m still going to share them because I believe it’s imperative that truth is spoken and shared.

The first video, just under 40 minutes long, is an interview given to Max Igan by a funeral director here in the UK, Mr John O’Looney.

When the supposed ‘pandemic’ first hit in early 2020, Mr O’Looney didn’t notice any difference in the number of funerals he was conducting.

He then makes a disturbing observation about the sudden spike in deaths that occurred in care homes.

This was after the UK government made the decision to empty hospital beds in preparation for the expected influx of huge numbers of Covid patients. The elderly patients who had been occupying those beds were sent to care homes and their relatives banned from visiting.

It was subsequently discovered by proper investigative journalists that an enormous order for Midazolam, a sedative used for euthanasia, had been placed at around the same time.

After that awful period, things calmed down.

However, after the vaccination programme was rolled out, the number of deaths started to increase. Except, this time, instead of only dealing with elderly deceased, he was dealing with deaths across all ages.

I urge you to listen to this brave man. He didn’t have to say anything – he has nothing to gain and everything to lose – but he is clearly a man of integrity who’s not afraid to do the right thing.

The second video is an update of the findings of the Berlin Corona Committee, set up in 2020 to investigate the impact of the coronavirus measures.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich, an experienced trial lawyer and co-founder of the Committee, talks us through their findings so far.

This video, again just under 40 minutes, also gives a succinct summary on how this whole thing started and is definitely worth watching.

I sincerely hope that anyone who watches these will share them on their platforms.

Thank you.