Free To Make Our Own Choices

(Image by JacksonDavid - Pixabay)

(Image by JacksonDavid - Pixabay)

Our esteemed leader announced yesterday, come the 19th of July, Covid-19 restrictions, namely mask-wearing and distancing, will end.

With the constant shifting of goalposts and never-ending lies we’ve been fed, it won’t come as any surprise to me if, in the supposed nick of time, yet another scariant will be discovered on… oh, I don’t know, the 17th of July? After all, we’ve yet to work through the entire Greek alphabet.

I didn’t watch the actual announcement as I can’t stomach any of it.

However, I did end up reading part of it; the government has apparently decided the time has come to treat us like adults and ‘allow’ us to make our own informed decisions about how to manage the virus.

Cue MSM and certain… people losing their rag over the ‘danger’ of no more restrictions *gasp* It’s as if they want us to remain in permanent lockdown.

Anyway, there was one thing the prime minister said that really had me fuming – “we will change the basic tools that we have used to control human behaviour…

There you have it, straight from the [insert own noun] mouth – the government has been controlling us.

Which comes as no surprise to me as I was aware of that from the first lockdown way back in March last year, having done my own research, an ongoing exercise.

I found out even more after reading Laura Dodsworth’s brilliant book, ‘State of Fear’, in which she details how the UK government waged psychological warfare against its own people, making Britain the most scared country in the world.

Shocking and disgraceful.

As if that wasn’t enough, yesterday also brought the unbelievable news that the NHS – the whole NHS – on its 73rd anniversary has been awarded the George Cross.

The George Cross, the highest award bestowed by the British government for non-operational gallantry or gallantry ‘not in the presence of an enemy’, is equal in stature to the Victoria Cross, the highest military gallantry award.

The NHS’ record during the past 16 months has not been the best, not by a long shot. Individual doctors, nurses, paramedics, yes, but the entire behemoth – no.

To award all of them the George Cross belittles previous recipients like the incomparable Noor Inayat Khan.

A British spy during World War II, she was posthumously awarded the George Cross for her service in the Special Operations Executive. Refusing to abandon her post in France, she was captured by the Gestapo and was the first enemy agent to be sent to Germany. Continuously interrogated, she refused to cooperate and was considered a particularly dangerous prisoner. Taken to Dachau concentration camp in September 1944, she was shot on arrival. The citation for her award states she ‘… displayed the most conspicuous courage, both moral and physical over a period of more than 12 months.

I have now honestly had enough of this whole circus.

There is more to life than constantly trying to ‘manage’ a virus, to eliminate it completely.

I’m not going to argue my point because I’ve now realised that those who believe Covid-19 is the plague come to wipe out all humanity don’t want to listen to or read hard facts that go against the ‘narrative’.

If there’s a dangerous virus/variant/whatever out there, waiting to pounce on us, how come the G7 leaders only practiced distancing and had their masks on for the official photos, yet once the official cameras were off, the masks were whipped off and they were all standing so close, they were practically in each other’s pockets?

How come the European football ‘VIPs’, numbering in the low thousands, are allowed to fly into the UK for the football finals with absolutely no need to quarantine?

How come any businessman/woman who enters the UK on business that’s potentially economically beneficial will be allowed to swan in with, again, no need to test or quarantine?

Yet the lowly plebs who go on holiday, even those who are double-jabbed, have to quarantine regardless.

And speaking of jabs, why the hard sell? Why the lack of transparency? Why the lies and obfuscation around vaccine injury? Why the bordering-on-obscene push to vaccinate children?

So many questions…

Whatever you choose to do, however you wish to live your life, that is your choice.

My choice is to live my life the way I choose without being judged or accused of being the scum of the earth.

Will taking such a stand cost me readers/site visitors? I hope not, but there’s nothing I can do about that.

I’d already decided last week to take a break this month…

It will be interesting to see what the state of play is in the country when I return in August.

Enjoy the summer… or winter, wherever you are on our beautiful planet.