Roadmap to Freedom? I Won't Hold My Breath...
It’s been almost a year since the “3 weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown and I feel the need to voice my anger and frustration.
Almost a year of the erosion of freedoms we took for granted, freedoms I believed were ours by right, not to be doled out at the whim of government because we’re not living in China or North Korea… Not yet anyway.
The same government that continues to use psychological fear-mongering tactics to frighten the people into compliance:
“A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened… The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging based on accurate information about risk…”
A government that continues to cause damage to children by dragging its feet over the opening of schools, kowtowing to the teachers’ unions instead of putting the rights of children first.
But wait! Secondary school pupils will be back in school on the 8th of March.
Don’t get too excited…
The children will be required to wear masks in class, during lessons.
Apart from the awfulness of having an increasingly damp, germ-ridden rag covering your nose and mouth, children will be made to suffer the dehumanising effect of having half their face hidden from view.
So much for speaking up in class, especially those who struggle to speak in class.
So much for social interactions. They might as well stay at home.
Oh. And they will also be required to suffer two useless PCR tests every week. Administered by their parents. To what end? To continue with the falsely inflated numbers in case the government decides it wants to lock us up again?
Speaking of falsely inflated numbers, the Daily Mail columnist, Bel Mooney, has written of Covid-19 being wrongly attributed as the cause of death. She shared losing her dear father to highlight this gross discrepancy and it turns out having Covid listed as the cause of death on the death certificate is more common than she thought.
Covid-19 kills, yes.
So does flu.
So does cancer, heart disease, diabetes…
Crucial treatments are halted for the sake of possibly preventing just one death caused by just one illness.
People are affronted by death, which comes to all of us regardless, but only when death is supposedly caused by that one illness.
Apart from disease and illness, another thing that kills is lockdown.
The government clings to lockdown policy like a demented limpet, wilfully insisting it’s doing the right thing by protecting everyone from one risk at the expense of everything else.
Wilfully ignoring the almost 30 studies that show lockdowns do not work.
And here’s a wonderful comparison between Florida and California, showing how much better no-lockdown Florida is doing. It’s like a different world…
But pro-lockdown governments will continue to ignore the facts staring them in the face.
One thing – yet another thing – I find baffling is the deafening silence over the pollution wars.
Not that long ago, it was mentioned at least once every day.
Not that long ago, we were confronted with the horrors of plastic and plastic straws and the horrible impacts on marine life especially.
Nowadays, the hypocrites urging us to be mindful of climate change and do our part in caring for the planet are the same ones urging us to mask up and remain masked forever it would seem.
(Image - OceanAsia)
Despite my angry frustration, I’m hopeful more people are starting to wake up, to see the truth when I read the increasing number of readers’ sceptical comments in MSM articles.
I’m hopeful this cruel government has finally overplayed its hand, having sold the vaccines as the ‘magic bullet’ out of lockdown.
Despite the millions already vaccinated – the elderly and the vulnerable and anybody else they can get their hands on – they’re still depriving us of our freedoms, handing them out one sliver at a time.
For example, on the 8th of March, 2 people from different households will be allowed to meet outdoors. Oh my goodness! The excitement! I don’t think I can bear it.
I’m hopeful as the weather improves, as we move into spring and closer to Easter, enough people will simply ignore the government and get back to living life as it should be lived – going out whenever we want, doing what we choose to do, meeting whoever we wish to meet.
Because I, for one – and I know I’m not alone – want to return to living. Not just existing, but actually living.