'How To Dad' on YouTube

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Another YouTube offering today…

I love this channel, another one I only discovered recently. ‘How to Dad’ is a dad from New Zealand who makes videos on parenting and about NZ. None of the videos are too long and, I think, they’re perfect for lifting the spirits in these uncertain times.

Also, if you’re a parent – bonus! With so many parenting books out there, doling out (sometimes) complicated ‘advice’, this dad’s parenting tips are a breath of fresh air. Though you have to stop laughing first to take in that breath!

The titles range from ‘How to get a toddler to brush their teeth’ to ‘How to brush curly hair’. All useful stuff.

He is absolutely hilarious, and his daughters are too adorable for words. Personally, I don’t know how he gets them, especially his youngest, to do just what needs to be done. Then again, it may take hours to get that ‘right’ footage.

Occasionally, we get glimpses of his wife, also known as ‘How to Mum’!

Wish he’d been around, dishing out this superb advice, when my boys were still little.


Oh… and he’s got the best handwashing song!