'Weekly Discoveries' - Hollywood Movie Stars Dance to 'Uptown Funk'
There are so many interesting articles on the ‘net and videos on YouTube, I’m invariably left with the feeling of wanting to share them all. Hence, this extra blogging day.
It may feature an article and a video, or just a video… mainly fun, readable stuff and topics that might spark someone’s interest as we head into the weekend.
To kick things off, I’m revisiting a video I blogged about in 2016.
Donald O’Connor, Debbie Reynolds and Gene Kelly in ‘Singin’ In The Rain’
There are so many dance interpretations of ‘Uptown Funk’ on YouTube, it might be a challenge to pick a favourite. Not for me. Hands down, this video marrying the song to dance scenes from the Golden Age of Hollywood is, not only brilliant, it is a true labour of love.
Put together by Michael Binder (part of ‘Nerd Fest UK’ on YouTube), working evenings and weekends over three weeks, he sorted through umpteen dance sequences, making sure each fit the music perfectly. And he did it without altering the speed of the original footage; the timing is amazing. What a patient genius!
This is one video I happily watch over and over again and it never fails to lift my mood. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.