
(Image by Gerd Altmann - Pixabay)

(Image by Gerd Altmann - Pixabay)

It wasn’t that long ago I made changes to the blog, rethinking what I was going to post when, and adding another day to bring it up to 3 posts a week. And I was getting into the swing of it. Until…

Last week, I started training for a new job as a care worker. And this week, I’ve started the job proper. Why did I choose to be a care worker? Well, I’d cared for my mum before she passed and I’ve also cared for my ex-husband. In my rose-tinted view of the world, I thought care work was just an extension of that.

To some extent it is. But the reality of the job is vastly different to what I thought it would be. It is very different caring for a family member. It’s a very physical job, and there is so much to remember. And that’s before you get to the paperwork! Good lord! The paperwork.

My colleagues are lovely and the residents are lovely too. So, that makes the job a bit easier. But it sure is a shock to the system! I haven’t worked like this for over 20 years, since the boys were babies.

I did have a part-time job in hotel housekeeping the last couple of months while waiting for the paperwork for the care worker job to be sorted. That is one job I did not enjoy. I hate housework, even in my own house. And it was so, so boring. To clean and make up 10 rooms one day, only to go and do the same all over again the very next day was enough to turn me into a crabby old b***h! The only saving grace was, again, the other people who work there – all so lovely and friendly.

In an ideal world, I wouldn’t need to go out and work. I’d love to be able to be a full-time writer but, hey ho, that doesn’t seem to be on the cards just yet. So, I shall persevere with being a care worker.

As for the blog, I haven’t decided on any possible changes. I do know that I don’t have the time to devote to ‘Top 10 Tuesday’ anymore. Getting the posts up is one thing, but I won’t have time to visit other blogs as regularly as I’d like to.

Until I settle into my work routine, I won’t be blogging that regularly. If you’d like to be informed when a post is up, feel free to sign up for blog updates – you’ll get a weekly digest delivered to your inbox every Sunday, unless I don’t post anything, in which case, you won’t receive one.

Be good to yourselves and take care.