'Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'

I’m a big Batman fan. I still have the comics I collected from back in the day – issues of ‘Detective’ (featuring Batman) and various Batman mini series and graphic novels. One of my favourites is an issue of ‘Action’ comics (featuring Superman), written by John Byrne, pencilled by Art Adams, featuring Batman and Superman against a vampire.

‘Action’ comics Annual - Batman & Superman
Pages from Action comics Annual

Even further back in the day, I used to watch TMNT and enjoyed it. But not so much the recent versions. Its probably my age, but they come across as lacking character and charm.

Batman vs TMNT

A couple of weeks ago, Gordon brought my attention to an upcoming animated film – ‘Batman vs TMNT’. And my reaction was, “WTH??” He told me to keep an open mind before showing me the trailer.

Well, what can I say? I’m now waiting for the release of a film I didn’t know I wanted to watch!

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