Top 4 Blog Posts

When I started blogging on Blogger, way back in 2008, I was only doing it for fun, to post about the crafting I was so into at the time, mainly scrapbooking and altered books.

‘Mermaid’ altered book

‘Mermaid’ altered book

Then I started riding lessons and the blog became my riding diary. Gradually, I started to include my writing.

As I got more serious about blogging about writing, I wanted more than what Blogger was offering. After researching what alternatives were available, I settled on Squarespace. That was in August 2016.

I decided early on, I wasn’t going to focus solely on writing as I have so many things I’m interested in, which I love to share. And I’m so glad I did.

Looking back, my 4 most popular posts since 2016 have been about music, horses, history and research.

Here there are, in reverse order, from the 4th to the most popular:

The Caul.

‘A child born with a caul’

‘A child born with a caul’

A thin, filmy membrane, the remnants of the amniotic sac, the caul partly covers the baby’s head at birth; such births are rare. And the child born with a caul is known as a ‘caulbearer’.

The American Indian Horse – Medicine Hat and War Paint.

‘Painted for Battle’ ~ Kate Bolia

‘Painted for Battle’ ~ Kate Bolia

The ‘medicine hat’ horse is a predominantly white horse with colour on the ears and top of the head, giving it the appearance of wearing a hat.

Every Native American tribe had war horses, and each war horse was held in high regard by its owner. To honour and protect his horse, the Indian would paint tribal symbols on the animal’s body.

Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler: Compassion Amongst Enemies.

Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown

Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown

A terrifying and unexpectedly moving incident that happened during WW2, involving the pilot and crew of a B-17 Flying Fortress and a Luftwaffe pilot.

‘The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba’ and George Friederich Händel.

George Friederich Händel ~ Thomas Hudson

George Friederich Händel ~ Thomas Hudson

German by birth, George Friederich Händel is best known for his work in Britain where he had established his reputation through his Italian operas.

The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba’ features in Act 3 from the English oratorio, ‘Solomon’, composed in 1748 and based on the biblical stories of King Solomon.

‘The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’ ~ Edward Poynter

‘The Visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon’ ~ Edward Poynter

Although these posts usually feature on the side of the blog, under ‘Monthly Popular Posts’, I thought it would be fun to highlight them in a post for easier enjoyment.