New Look Website

Image of person writing 

I’m back! Not that I left… What I mean is, the author side of me is back.

To be honest, I hadn’t planned on neglecting this part of my blog for so long. Apart from getting tangled up with ‘life’, I got lazy. I also got jaded with the whole ‘grow-your-email-list’ and ‘market-your-book’ mania. The only advice I could find was geared more towards non-fiction; also, I had a severe ‘marketing’ phobia.

Until I started Marie Forleo’s B-School. For me, the marketing module alone is worth the price of admission. It got me excited about marketing and working out customers; I found it easier to get my head around all the advice for authors that I found.

I spent ages thinking about the freebie for potential subscribers; followed the advice of thinking about what I’d like to receive for free. Because asking someone for the email address is a ‘big ask’. I decided to write an original short story that would be available only for subscribers. I put in the time and work, writing the story and putting together the newsletter.

However, you will notice that nowhere on my website is there a link to sign-up to the newsletter. Well, I decided to take it down. That, and running a FB ad campaign to generate interest did nothing but get me tied up in knots, obsessing with and worrying about lack of subscribers. So, I’ve decided to be that supposedly ‘idiot’ author who doesn’t spend time growing her email list. Instead, I’m going to concentrate on writing. Because spending time trying to get subscribers drained me of too much energy and enthusiasm to want to write.


I’ve redesigned my ‘Welcome’ page to highlight the fact that I am an author. When I start posting about my current work-in-progress, I’ll set up the image to link directly to those posts.

I’ve added a new navigation tab to the top of the page – ‘Stories/Research’ – to make it easier to find my stories.

My posts on writing will now be on Tuesdays. The sort of thing you can expect will include updates on current works-in-progress; short-short stories; slice of life stuff to do with writing or anything so interesting I just have to share.

I’ll still be continuing with the ‘Joyous Life’ series of posts on Sunday. As for the Friday posts, I think I’ll also continue those for now.