Fantastic Friday - Pets At Vets
Our 3 cats hate going to the vet’s.
The whole process involves 3 humans and precision planning, starting with praying that they turn up for breakfast – you’d think that would be a safe bet, but Gordon’s kitty, Mlia, is notorious for turning up as and when she feels like it, usually for brunch. The cat baskets are prepped as quietly as possible, the cat flap is locked as casually and silently as possible. We usually volunteer Gordon to pick up a cat; he’s very no-nonsense about it, and makes sure he gets their legs tucked in against their body before plonking into basket; I get the lid on as quickly as possible while Liam stands guard, ready to grab potential escapees. The drive to the vet’s is filled with very loud indignant and/or pitiful meowing.
When I came across this video on Youtube, I could so relate, and almost fell off my chair laughing. Even if you’re not a pet owner, I think you’re going to find this sorry lot hilarious.