Favourites on Friday - A Walk Around the Neighbourhood

Taking advantage of the spell of nice weather we’ve been having – warm, dry, with a refreshing breeze – and inspired by a friend who’s decided to walk to work instead of taking the bus, I’ve been taking the time to go for a morning walk.  Having said that, today started off overcast, very windy, with a couple of really heavy downpours ... and now the sun is out.  At 7 in the evening.

On Wednesday, I took my camera.  This is basically the route I walk, though it does differ slightly depending on my mood.  Despite the constant flow of traffic, I think the neighbourhood is a pretty place …

Flowers by the front gate - don't ask me what they are, I'm hopeless when it comes to plants!

The next 2 photos border the path that leads to the beautiful open space the boys showed me last year 

The same path, but leading back to the road, in the distance past the trees - leads back home