Favourites on Friday - The Stable Run

Despite the inevitable traffic-crawl when I take Liam to and from the stables – about a 20 mile round trip which I do 3 times a week – I love the route, especially as I get nearer the stables.  It’s hard to believe sometimes that I’m still in an urban area …

08:25 - about 5 minutes away from the stables

The field opposite the stables ...

... this one too

The view further down from the stables, which is just on my right

This is my favourite part - it looks like the trees are 'holding hands' over the road

16:20 - that same field opposite the stables

I park outside as it gets busy with horse boxes and the like ... this is what I see as I get out of the car, the stall doors through the trees

Driving away from the stables ...

St Huberts Church - parts of it date back to the 13th century

Before anyone reports me for dangerous driving, the pictures were taken by Liam ;)

Can’t remember if I posted about Liam working at the stables.  He started in February, does 3 days a week, and thoroughly enjoys it.  Which is good, as he has to be up before 7am … like his mother, he is not a ‘morning’ person.  Last week, because they were short-staffed, he gave up his Easter Sunday and Monday to work – I was rather proud of him.