Favourites on Friday - Christmassy Bournemouth

Went to town earlier in the week and remembered to take my camera with me.  After seeing the Christmas decorations and lights in London – yes, I know it’s the ‘big city’ and the lights reflect that – Bournemouth’s decorations seems kinda ‘small’.  But it didn’t take me long to appreciate them … 

First, a little of Bournemouth's late Victorian architecture ...

St Stephen's Church, built in the 1880s

I can’t remember when it first started, but we’ve had the little huts, selling a variety of things, for a few years now ...

And my favourite hut, without a doubt, is ‘Titan Leathercraft’ – leather-bound, handmade journals; I have 2, trying to be good and not succumb this year but there were at least a couple that were calling to me …

I want that ginormous one in the foreground!  Don't know what I'd use it for, but I want it ...

The 2 journals that I own, from 'Titan' ...

detail on the back cover

This one has metal hinges that hold it shut

I could go back one evening and take more pictures with the lights on, but as night-time shots and my camera aren’t bosom companions, I don’t think I will.